Breast enhancement or augmentation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries in the world. It is the procedure of choice for women who consider their breasts to be too small or have undergone a process of weight loss, childbirth's or just normal aging, in which the breasts have lost volume and their shape has changed.
The surgery consists of lifting the breast tissue and placing silicone rubber implants, which are then filled in most of the cases with a saline solution. Depending on the desire of the patient, silicone gel implants can be used safely.
One very important matter to take in account is that after several large studies conducted worldwide, it has been clearly demonstrated that there is no scientific evidence that breast augmentation increases the risk of cancer. Breast augmentation will make your breasts fuller and enhance their shape. Often patients start to feel more comfortable finding easier to wear certain styles of clothing providing them a more proportional figure.
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia in the vast majority of cases. Occasionally local anesthesia and sedation is used A very small incision is used, relative to the size of the implants. There are several options of incisions, which will be discussed thoroughly with you before the surgery.
One of the most frequently incision employed is around the lower half of the areola which results in an inconspicuous, almost invisible scar. Then, a pocket is created behind the breast tissue, where the implant is positioned. Sutures are placed to close the incisions, and a gauze bandage and supporting bra are applied.
In most of the cases surgery is done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you have the surgery done and are discharged the same day after resting in your own suite and feel comfortable to go.
The procedure takes about two to two and a half hours to be performed, depending on each case. Most women after the surgery experience some degree of swelling, bruising and tenderness, but these symptoms subside in a short time and can be controlled with oral medications.
You should wear the surgical bra for about four to five weeks. People are usually able to return to their desk jobs within the first week, although most wait a full week to ten days to do so. Having a breast augmentation procedure can drastically improve the way a woman sees herself giving a boost to own self-esteem.